Monday, June 9, 2008


Brad Pitt in a recent interview said, “While acting is my career, architecture is my passion.” Say what?

It caused me to think. Is it possible to have a career (something that pays the bills) and is it possible to have a passion (something that geeks you) at the same time?

It caused me to think. I wonder how many people that I meet everyday are in the middle of their career but a long way from their passion?

It caused me to think. Is it possible to have both career and passion together?

Then it hit me. Brad Pitt has made boatloads of money in his movie career, now he is working in New Orleans Lower Ninth Ward designing and building homes for those who were impacted by Katrina.

His newest project? Brad Pitt will help design an eco-friendly 800 room luxury hotel in Dubai.

I wonder if it is easier to do what you are passionate about when you don’t have to worry about paying college bills, car insurance, or the price of gas?

All of this has got me to thinking. Would my life look any different if I decided to follow my passion rather than my paycheck? Would my life look any different if I decided to follow my heart rather than the heat of the moment? Would my life look any different if I covenanted to follow my calling rather than embrace convenience?

Brad Pitt? I am not a big fan. But one thing is obvious to me, he is following his passion, serving with his heart and living out his calling in a world that chases paychecks, operates in the heat of the moment and embraces convenience.

What does your world look like?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is one of the disconnects between the clergy and the layity. The assumption is that you are making your living "doing" your passion when you are a pastor.

The same is not the case for me. I would love to make a living employing my passion. But such is not the case. My passion is to work with churches that desperately need some structure or restructuring. But, alas, the folks that have the greatest impact on that potentiality are guys who are making a living at their passion. And unfortunately, just because they are passionate about it does not mean they are either good or effective at it.

Just my thoughts...