Yesterday I was at a breakfast meeting and at the conclusion one of the men stood up and made a few comments to those that were gathered. It is my custom to take out a pencil and paper when I listen to someone speaking. I am always looking for comments, quotations or tidbits that I can use somewhere down the road.
On the back of a sheet of paper I wrote these words...
"When God brings you to it,
He will bring you through it."
I wish I would have had that pithy phrase tucked inside my soul when I stood on the streets of Oakville last week.
There have been several times over the last several weeks when I wish I would have had that phrase to explain situations that I faced.
God brings us to a variety of situations daily. Some have the capacity to overwhelm. Some have the ability to smother our creativity.
Looming in my mind is this question...
What happens between the moment when we face a situation
and the moment when we realize that He is with us in that situation?
It seems like most people that I meet are facing "situations" and trying to figure out how He is going to "bring them through it."
I can recall being caught in the nexus between the situation and the solution several times in my life. In those moments I have held on for dear life and realized that there is One who was holding on to me.
So I am going to live with this slogan etched on my heart....
"When God brings you to it,
He will bring you through it."
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