Today I was reading and ran across a word that I had never seen before. I love words and today's discovery was akin to finding a buried treasure in a sandy cove.
I read it and passed over it thinking that it was an aberrant word inserted by the author to demonstrate her intellectual prowess.
Reading it a second time in the same book made me curious as to its meaning.
Finally I saw the word a third time in the narrative.
Before looking it up, I tried to guess its meaning. Here are my three guesses.
1. An entree at my favorite chinese restaurant.
2. A muscle in the lower abdomen
3. A quasar in the furthest galaxy
Upon closer inspection I discovered that "sangfroid" means "composure in the face of difficulty or danger." It has its roots from the French word meaning "cold blood."
Have you ever heard someone described as having "ice water" in their veins? They are the epitome of composure.
Quarterbacks facing a blitz need "sangfroid." Being alone at home and hearing a noise outside the window requires "sangfroid." Receiving a phone call in the middle of the night calls for "sangfroid."
In this day and age we need "sangfroid...composure in the face of difficulty or danger."
I learned a new word today and I can't wait to use it tomorrow. I am praying that I will not face any difficulties or dangers, but if I do, I know the right word to use.
Test drive the word for yourself and let me know how it works.
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