I was reading an article and ran across this word.
Recently I ran across a quote from the story Snow White.
"Oh I wish there were some words in the world that were not the words I always hear!" I can identify with that sentiment.
Today's generation uses a phrase that has several words in it. Perhaps you have heard it. They say,"That is so annoying!" They use that phrase frequently to describe their feelings about people, situations and circumstances.
"How annoying."
"She annoys me!"
"You are annoying."
All of these phrases can be summed up in one word. Rebarbative.
It means "causing annoyance or irritation."
By now you are already thinking about rebarbative people, rebarbative situations and rebarbative moments.
Here are a couple of thoughts....There will always be plenty of rebarbative (fill in the blank) and secondly we don't have to succumb to them.
Forgive me if I annoy you with these thoughts, but I learned a new word today and I couldn't wait to use it.
If I overuse the word it will be rebarbative.
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