Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Time...Talent...Treasure... that's the stuff that Steward-ship is often associated with.

But being a "Story Steward" is another thing. 

In my reading yesterday I ran across a thought that sharpened the focus for me.

"If stories come to you, care for them. And learn to give them away where they are needed. Sometimes a person needs a story more than food to stay alive." 
Barry Lopez

Story opportunities come to us everyday, sometimes we recognize them and sometimes we miss them. Often times the best solutions to problems lie in the telling of a story. Some of life's most challenging problems do not easily lend themselves to quick solutions, but do lend themselves to a story.

David M. Armstrong has written a powerful book entitled, Managing by Storying Around that sits on the shelf in my library. The premise of his work is that the best leaders tell stories. His last section of the book is entitled, Stories About How To Tell Stories and it is worth the price of the book. 

Over the years I have discovered lots and lots of great stories. I collect them. I have a file of great stories. I pray that I will remember them at the right time and like the rabbi who was asked for advice, I will be able to say, "let me tell you a story."

Here are few words of advice...keep your eyes open for stories.  When you find them, save them.  Make them your own. Nurture them. Look for opportunities to share them. The world can become a better place because of the stories you tell.

I think Barry Lopez is right..."Sometimes a person needs a story more than food to stay alive."

I am always hungry for a great story. Do you know any?

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