It is deja-vu all over again. Gustav is bearing down on the Gulf Coast and my email inbox has been inundated by weather updates, email updates and information about its track.
I have watched its projected path on several television stations today.
My heart is moved with compassion when I watch the faces of those boarding buses and trains in the New Orleans area. The look bespeaks a deep sadness as they walk along the same sidewalks and pathways they walked three years earlier.
Many have already left, others are leaving this evening and still others are "waiting" to see what will happen.
There are many things that I do not know. Here is what I know.
In the midst of confusion, chaos and the cacophony of disasters, there is a God who is close.
In the thunder of rising waters, there is a God who is the Living Water
In the unknown, there is a God who knows.
At the end of this day I am celebrating His closeness, I am celebrating the fact that He quenches our thirst, and I am celebrating that He knows where I am.
I plan on sticking close to Him in the days that are ahead. I do not know what tomorrow holds, but I know that He will be close....that brings me hope in the midst of adversity.
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