This is my view from the passenger seat cruising down I-94 West. I am sitting comfortably enjoying the scenery in preparation for a great week.
The GPS unit says that "if everything goes as planned" we will arrive in Wapello, Iowa at 8:39 PM CST. We have driven 162 miles and we have 305 to go.
I love that phrase, "if everything goes as planned."
How often does that happen?
There are always glitches along the way that interrupt our plans. We experienced that as we loaded all of the equipment and supplies in preparation for our trip. It was as though the supplies neatly stacked in the Common Ground area multiplied overnight. We got it all in, but it was a challenge.
As I ride along, I am thankful for a great day of worship, Word and communion. It was exciting to watch Him at work today as we waited on Him
This week begins a new chapter in our kingdom journey.
"If everything goes as planned," I will keep you up to date on the events of our work in Iowa.
Stay tuned....and get ready for some great stories.
Now we are headed to Iowa and I am excited to see "if everything goes as planned."
If it does, that's great. If He has another plan, that's great to. What a great way to live!
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