Billion....700 billion to be exact.
Am I the only one tired of hearing about the "bail-out" or "buy-in" plan to rescue our failing economy?
Am I the only one weary of hearing the "Wall Street vs. Main Street" references from our presidential candidates?
700 billion is a lot of money. I am not sure how much exactly, but I know it is a lot. I decided to try to get my mind wrapped around the amount, so I went to my calculator on my laptop. The number is to big to fit on my calculator in a way that I can work with.
I wanted to know what 700 billion would buy so I did a little research.
Here is what I found.
For 700 billion you could buy every NFL, MLB & NBA Team.
You could build each team a new stadium
AND, pay each player 200 million dollars.
If you changed 700 billion into US quarters and put them side by side
you will go around the globe 122 times.
If you stacked 700 billion quarters it would reach 3 million miles into space.
If you took 700 billion and converted them into $1 bills it would
circle the earth about 2662 times and would weigh 770,925 tons.
700 billion equally divided among US citizens would give
each person nearly $3,ooo.
Here are a couple of other interesting things to consider....
Did you know....
700 billion is 9 times the amount spent on education in the US in 2007
It is 140 billion more than what has been spent on the
Iraq war since the invasion
It is the amount spent on importing foreign oil into the US each year
It is twice the amount of all money given to all charitable
organizations in the US in any given year
I am perplexed by the magnitude of this number. I am saddened by the occasion that has gotten us to this point. This is not a Democrat, Republican, Independent, Green Party issue. It is a moral issue that assaults the sensibilities of reasonable people.
The answer is illusive and will not be easily found.
America is facing a test of her integrity and competence. Politicians, economists and commentators are not adequate to lead America out of this conundrum. The Speaker of the House and Minority leaders do not have the fortitude to show the way. The President seems locked in the abyss of helplessness. What should happen?
It is time for people like you and I to step up and provide leadership in our circles of influence. We cannot wait for Washington DC or the State capitol to suggest a plan. We must be willing to stand up, speak up and be counted at this crucial time.
Well, I feel better now that I have committed my thoughts in writing. I am ready to take action and make certain that my financial house is in order. I wonder what would happen if each of us took responsibility and didn't wait for someone else to help us.
Just a thought.
1 comment:
Just in case you're still scratching your head in the hopes of grasping any semblance of reason behind this "economic crisis"... Jason has been researching, compiling and analyzing data, I encourage you to check it out. I guarantee you to be educated!
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