1175 miles. 23 hours. Wendy's & Subway. Lots of stops for fuel. And we are in Louisana.
The damage is so different from the kind that swept in with Hurricane Katrina, but there is damage. You have to look for it, but it is there.
I spent this evening in a meeting where we assessed the damages and strategized how we will address the horrific damage caused by Gustav.
It was heartbreaking to see homes sliced in half by trees that were over a foot and a half in diameter. With the same intensity that the trees crushed people's homes, their dreams were crushed.
It is very interesting.
Some of the pictures showed what appeared to be minimal damage, but upon closer inspection the damage is significant even though it appears to be small.
Life is a lot like that.
How many times have you met people who appeared to have minimal damage in their life, but as you get to know them you discover that there are massive internal damages that conspire to rob people of joy?
I am getting ready to "turn in for the evening." (when you use a phrase like that you are showing your age.) But that is exactly what I am going to do.
Here are two thoughts that continue to call for my attention.....
I am going to meet new people and renew acquaintances. Both are a joy.
I am going to be the answer to someone's prayer this week. (That is not boastful, it is humbling to think that someone has prayed that God would send someone to help. That's me and those I serve with!)
Bonus thought for the evening....In my ramblings yesterday, I spoke of Baton Rouge as home to an old family friend. I hoped to be able to see him before I head back home. Who was the first person I saw when I pulled up to the church. Yep! You guessed it. He came inside, gave me a bear hug, and lifted me up off of my feet. (in that order)
Dangling, I thought...maybe this is how they make you feel welcome. It worked!
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