Wednesday, May 11, 2011


I have finally caught my breath after spending a week in Alabama helping those whose lives were re-arranged by the devastating tornadoes.

It has taken me longer than I anticipated to re-acclimate to my schedule and life. It sounds funny to say that, but it was overwhelming to work in the destruction knowing that I would get in my car and head home. Although I have been back for several days, my heart continues to be heavy over what I have seen and experienced.

As I ease back into the rhythms of my life I continue to think about those who labor in their efforts to restore order to the chaos.

As I reflect on all that I have seen, my mind is again challenged to think about flooding on the Mississippi and the downriver communities that will experience similar devastation.

It is one thing to see damage caused by a physical tornado and it is another thing to watch the aftermath caused by emotional tornadoes in people's lives. Either are painful.

My prayers are with the people who suffer today.

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