Friday, May 20, 2011


On Sunday morning, following the morning worship service, I was greeting people.

A mom and her two daughters were patiently waiting to talk while others were milling around the lobby. After a few minutes I realized they were waiting to talk with me.

Pausing, I spoke to them and one of the little girls handed me a white envelope with scribbling on the outside. Her face beamed as she handed the envelope to me. Now, I get a lot of things handed to me as people walk through each Sunday, so I wasn't sure what was inside.

I was not prepared for what I saw.

Her mom encouraged her to explain the envelope and its contents.

Quietly, she said that she and her sister had opened a lemonade stand in her neighborhood the previous week. The purpose was to raise money for people affected by the tornadoes in Alabama.

The need is great. It will take millions and millions and millions of dollars to address the great needs of the people from that region.

Nobody told them how much it would cost. They thought that they would sell lemonade and give the proceeds to people who were suffering.

I opened the envelope and peeked inside in front of them.

There were seven one dollar bills.  Seven dollars.  That's dollars.

Probably you are thinking..."what can be done with seven dollars?"  The answer is really simple. If everyone gave seven dollars, the needs of people in the southeast United States would be met.

I am thankful for the simple faith of young children that enables them to see themselves as part of the solution to the pressing needs around us.  Thanks Emily and Ashley for have sensitive hearts and realizing that a "cup of cool lemonade" in His name can make a huge difference.

I am scheduled to return to Alabama for an assessment trip to look at a project that will require lots of people to make financial commitments. I can't wait to go back and present this envelope as the "lead gift" to this project. Stay tuned.

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