Monday, February 18, 2008


Hurrying into the local drugstore to retrieve a prescription and the family one hour photos I was to learn a valuable lesson. Pushing ahead with my personal agenda and rushing through the aisles I was held up by a little old lady who was shuffling behind her walker.

“I’m sorry I am so slow” she said. I responded with a typical non descript response, “That’s O.K” What she said next jarred my malaise. “I was just admiring the beautiful tile floor in here.”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing from this beautiful woman who was in her early 80’s. She was shuffling behind her walker while her daughter pushed her way to the check-out counter. There we were. She behind her walker, me behind in my daily busyness.

What was God trying to say to me as I was busily pursuing my scheduled activities? What was God trying to teach me during this brief aisle encounter?

Frustration was rising as I saw her eyes glued to the tile floor as she slowly shuffled her feet along the floor. “Come on, come on, hurry up lady.” Those words were ringing in my head as I was anxious to get to the one hour photo counter to retrieve my daughters photos.

She was moving toward me as I dodged her daughter coming my way. Her arms were clutching packages as tightly as her mom was clutching the walker. It seemed as though three generations were locked in the cosmetic aisle of the local drugstore.

Moving in slow motion the elderly woman finally raised her glance to catch my attention. She apologized repeatedly for moving so slowly.

This seasoned citizen had captured the complexity of living a life of appreciated simplicity. She was not so consumed by the busyness of the season that she didn’t have time to look at the patterns of the floor tile.

As soon as she announced the reason for her slowness, I took the time to look down at floor tile and its pattern. Admittedly, I did not see the beauty that she had seen.

I patiently waited as she passed by where I was standing. Still staring at the floor I vaguely sensed that she was gone. I moved toward the one hour photo counter and looked back at the aisle where my path crossed this senior citizens.

The floor was not much different than other commercial businesses. What made this floor different was that two people stopped to admire its beauty. I would have never noticed the floor except that she brought it to my attention.

I began to wonder. How much do I miss everyday because I am so busy with my schedule and my agenda. I am thankful for the opportunity that God gave me to stop and to see His plan.

Just a thought...

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