Saturday, February 16, 2008


Last night my wife and I went to the theatre at the University of Michigan's Flint Campus for a production of the Winter's Tale by William Shakespeare. The 2007-2008 season is at the midway point and we wanted to attend, not because we are Shakespeare afficionados, but because a young five year old boy that attends our church was in the play.

Sure enough, he came out on stage as the consummate professional that he is.
Five years old.

At that age I was trying to decide how to get an extra cookie after dinner. I was trying to stay up past my bedtime. This little guy was in a Shakespeare play on a University campus. Times they are a changin'.

The Winter's Tale tells the story of two kings whose friendship is torn apart by a midlife crisis of epic proportions. It is the story of time, repentance, suffering, deception, and forgiveness. And, oh by the way, Ronan our five year old friend was in it.

He was adorable.

Sitting in the theatre, I was trying to listen carefully as the Shakespearean English often distracted my attention away from the carefully crafted plot.

Then it hit me. A phrase. A simple sentence that arrested my attention.
Fumbling in the darkness, I reached for my pen.

"I like your silence, it the more shows off your wonder."

Writing those words in a quiet dark theatre gave me pause to think.
Can I be in awe and wonder and be talking at the same time?
Can I express wonder at what God is doing all around me and still be talking on and on?
I wonder if God ever says to me, "I like your silence, it the more shows off your wonder."

His Word always supercedes my word.
His power is made perfect in my weakness.
He says, "Be still and know that I am God."

Ronan, thanks for your work in The Winter's Tale. Shakespeare, thanks for penning those words centuries ago. God, thank you for your "gentle whisper" that makes me stand in silence.

How's the noise level in your life?


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