Thursday, February 14, 2008


A reading from earlier this week took me back to my elementary school days. Recess was a great time to escape and run free on the playground behind Huddle Elementary School. For a few brief moments there was not a care in the world.

On special days the teacher would retrieve the sisal hemp rope hidden behind all of the book bags and coats in the closet at the back of the room. Announcing the rules of "tug of war" excited the passion of every 4th grade boy as we listened to her describe what the class was going to do during recess.

As I read, the author was describing what my elementary teacher did just before we went onto the playground.

In a tug of war everyone is pulling on the rope with all of their strength.

After several successful games, someone calls a timeout.

One of the contestants begins to rub his hands and spit into

the his palm to get a fresh grip on the rope.

Then it hit me. That's what I want to do. I want to get a "fresh grip."

That is a great metaphor for Sabbatical.

It's time to "unplug for a while." It's time to "let go of the rope." It is a time to "spit on your palms." It is a time to get a "fresh grip" on the call, and a "fresh grip" on the One who calls.

How's your grip?

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