Sunday, April 13, 2008


Sunday afternoon at home....I love the sound of that phrase. It conjures up images of rest, relaxation and an opportunity to unwind.

Sunday afternoons over the years have been celebrated in a number of different ways. I have memories of Sunday afternoons when "time stood still." When I was young the last thing I needed on a Sunday afternoon was a nap. I was ready for activity.

As time passes, I relish the idea of Sunday afternoons where "time stands still." Maybe it is because I am seeing the value of celebrating Sabbath. Maybe it is because time now has a different meaning for me than when I was younger.

Today I sat down for a while. Not long enough, but I sat down and rested for a little while.

There was something refreshing about the few moments of Sabbath in the middle of a busy day.

Here's a thought...What if our Sabbath was spent free from all unnecessary clutter? Living in a cluttered world wearies pilgrims who long for simplicity. What if our Sabbath was spent free from the tyranny of the clock? Living by the clock saps our creative energies. What if our Sabbath was spent resting in preparation for service rather than fretting about what lies ahead?

Today I "sabbath-ed."

Coca-Cola had a great slogan years was Coke, The Pause That Refreshes.

Sabbath for me has become a Pause That Refreshes

Sabbath...Have you experienced that recently?

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