Friday, April 18, 2008


It has been a long day.

I heard a lot of stories today....everything from the ridiculous to the sublime.

I sat with people who are struggling to make ends meet. I talked with people who are experiencing great slices of life. And I listened to stories of transformation.

Now I am sitting on the deck in my back yard. Did I mention that, "it has been a long day?"

It feels good to be serenaded by birds, interrupted by the sounds of crickets and warmed by the sun.

It made me think.

How often am I quiet enough to hear silence?

Silence is often shunned by people who live busy lives. Noise is welcomed as an anesthetic against the deafening silence.

At the end of a busy day...a day full of stories....I welcome silence.

Silence on the deck....a reprieve from the busy-ness of the day.

Decks are the 21st century expression of the front porch. In an effort to have privacy people moved the gathering place from the front of the house to the back of the house. Thus decks came into existence.

Here I sit on the back deck. Resting...reflecting...recalling a day spent tracing the rhythms of His Story in the lives of His people.

It was a great day... a busy one, but a great one.

In the book of Nehemiah the Levites, in a busy time, calmed all the people, saying, "Be still, for this is a sacred day." 8:11.

Was your day "sacred?"

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