Sunday, April 20, 2008


I am easily distracted and I am not alone.

Sitting in church, sometimes my mind wanders off like a lost sheep hiding from the shepherd.

Waiting in line at the store, sometimes my mind meanders around like a spinning top on a marble table.

Listening to people talk, sometimes my mind skips around like a small child bouncing on a trampoline.

Distractions....they are everywhere. Life seems to be a blur of events, sounds, voices and demands. For a person who is easily distracted, these are difficult days. Our senses are stimulated by a variety of situations, and we are being bombarded at every turn.

I am not alone.

It is easy to always think of distractions as negative forces impinging on our psyche, but there may be distractions that are "holy" in their content and character and are formative to our development as "Christ-followers."

These positive distractions have a way of reminding us that He is at work through all situations.

Distractions may easily divert our attention away from the task at hand. They have a way of re-orienting our concentration away from primary tasks and causing us to have our energies given to things of lesser importance.

The writer of the book of Proverbs said..."....keep your eyes straight ahead; ignore all sideshow distractions. Watch your step, and the road will stretch out smooth before you. Look neither right nor left; leave evil in the dust." Proverbs 4:23

Sideshow distractions....hmmmm. Have you had any recently?

"I want you to live as free of complications as possible....All I want is for you to be able to develop a way of life in which you can spend plenty of time together with the Master without a lot of distractions." I Corinthians 7:32

A lot of distractions...sound familiar? Barbara Ehrenreich, a social critic says it this way, "America is addicted to wars of distraction."

The only remedy to distractions may be to develop a life in which you can spend plenty of time together with the Master.

He is greater than the distractions that I face, and for this I am grateful.

What do you think?

1 comment:

Tom said...

Distractions are truly a problem for almost everyone. For me to win the war of distractions requires intense commitment and focus on what is important vs what would steal my time and energy. I am not always successful however my awareness of the need more often than not, prompts me to lock and load and blast the distractions away whenever they manifest themselves in my life. The time thieves in my life require continual scrutiny. Preventing their success always results in more time with the Master.