Wednesday, May 14, 2008


I love stories from the Old Testament. They seem surreal at times, disturbing at others, and downright confusing. That's why I like them. They don't easily resolve and sometimes leave me wondering if these are about the same God who pursues me.

Here's a great example.

The setting is a war ballad. It is a poetic description of the battle between the Israelites under Deborah and Barak and the enemies under Sisera. Stick with me.

The Lord goes forth to war and yet He is forsaken by Israel. The problem is that the people were living in the "me generation," they had short memories, and kept a long list of grievances. Some things never change.

In a moment of transformation, the people turn their hearts toward God.

Now here is where it gets interesting. Judges chapter 5 records a variety of responses to God's clarion call to faithfulness.

The Tribe of Reuben when faced with the challenge to move forward, "stayed by their fires." This is the crowd that enjoys the "safety and security" of the moment.

The Tribe of Dan when faced with the challenge to move forward, "stayed by their ships." This is the crowd that enjoys the "security of the familiar."

The Tribe of Asher when faced with the challenge to move forward, "stayed in the coves." I love this tribe...they at least got in the boats, but they didn't venture out to far.

The Tribe of Zebulon when faced with the challenge to move forward, "risked their very lives." That's my kind of crowd. "Forget the fire, forget the coves, we are going out into the deep water."

Whoa....wait a minute, somebody could get hurt, or drown, or fall overboard, or get wet, or catch a cold, or put an eye out, or be lost. Nobody said that deep water, deep change, and deep transformation is comfortable or easy.

What kind of person are you?

Are you a "stay by the fire" person?

Are you a "stay by the ships" person?

Are you a "stay in the coves" person?

Are you a "risk your very life" person?

The One who I follow met a group of net-menders and inquired about their fishing successes. They said, "we fished all night and didn't catch anything." He said, "put out into the deep water." Luke 5:4

Do you want to go deeper in the journey with the One who calls you? It will never happen in shallow pools of mediocrity. It will never occur while you are standing in a wading pool of excuses and rationalizations. It will unlikely take place as long as you are willing to offer anemic reasons for the situation you find yourself in.

Go ahead....jump in the deep end of His grace. He'll catch you and teach you to swim in the wellsprings of His mercy.

1 comment:

Darrel Harvey said...

thanks, i needed that this morning!