Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Wow! Finally! At last we have nominees for the fall election.

One is "the" nominee for the Republican party. The other is the "presumptive"nominee for the Democratic party.

What is the difference between "the" and "presumptive?"

If you are "the" person, that means that you are seen as the "real thing" and confirmed as such. If you are "presumptive" that means that you are what you are based on probability.

Technically speaking, both candidates are the "presumptive" nominees for their respective parties. It is interesting that the Republican party is marching forward with a candidate they perceive to be "the" person to lead their party. While the Democratic candidate is labeled as "presumptive"

Now I am not making any kind of judgment on either candidate. I am just intrigued by the monikers that describe those running for President of the United States.

Would I rather be "the" person or the "presumptive" person?

Here is my thought.

I want to be "the" person rather than the "presumptive" person. I am not speaking in political terms. I am speaking in Kingdom terms.

I am called to be a person after God's heart, not a person based on the probability of someone else's opinion. To many people live based on what others say about them or in the fear of how others will perceive them.

The presidential election process will begin and drag on throughout the summer and fall. 150 days from now we will elect a new president.

The candidates will move from "the" and "presumptive" status to Presidential status.

I will be glad when it is over. In the meantime I am seeking to be "the" person He wants me to be. I am shedding the garments of presumption, consumption and assumption so that I can follow Him with all my heart.

Just some thoughts that crossed my mind this morning...What do you think?

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