Friday, March 11, 2011


I am considering inviting Charlie Sheen to church. It kinda came to me at lunch today. I am not sure he will come or not, but it is worth a shot. (some of you that are reading this may never get to the rest of this blog)

Fast forward.

Imagine what would happen in your church if Charlie Sheen showed up. After wild looks, puzzled faces, sideways glances, he would probably take his seat to the horrored gasps of the faithful. I wonder what he would think?

Now before you get your exercise "jumping to conclusions," don't you think it would tell a lot about the DNA of your church if Charlie Sheen were to show up.

You see it is one thing to talk about "loving all people" and "hate the sin and love the sinner" and "our church is open to everybody," but it is another thing when that "everybody" comes in the person of Charlie Sheen.

We have seen the parodies, heard the quick one liners and have watched the seemingly downward trajectory of Sheen's life over the last several weeks. Nothing seems surprising anymore. Television news shows slurp up every sound bite, reality shows run outrageous video clips and serious newscasts have their "Charlie segment" nightly.

Fast Forward.

Charlie Sheen is sitting in my church....Now what? 

Should he have an opportunity to "share his story" and if he did would we wince at the words he uses? 

Should he be expected to "sit and soak" all that takes place in worship?

Or would his arrival in worship cause such a kerfuffle that all hope of having worship would be lost?

I guess I better figure out the answers to those questions or should I just go ahead and invite him?

One thing I do know for sure...If Charlie Sheen showed up in your church next Sunday it would reveal who you really are as a church. It would clearly define whether your mission and values are more than a plaque and bulletin filler.

Charlie Sheen sitting in my church....wonder what God would think?


Unknown said...

Go ahead and invite him!

Hugh Donnelly said...

What would God think?

God would be pleased!
If we truly live by the Shema we would react in a loving and inviting manner.

After the intial shock of only a few members it would be okay.