Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Have you ever wondered if you were on the right path? Have you ever wondered if you are effectively fulfilling the purpose for which you were intended? Have you ever felt like you were "going against the flow" in your daily efforts?

These are questions that honest people ask themselves occasionally and there is nothing wrong with reflecting on where we are in our journey.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer, German theologian, pastor and martyr, has been shaping my thinking recently in some profound ways. He was a part of the Confessing Church in the throes of Hitler's persecution of Jews and Germans during the Third Reich's destruction of Germany.

Bonhoeffer says, "If you board the wrong train, it's no use running along the corridor in the opposite direction." 

All of us at one time or another have been on the wrong train. How we respond when we find ourselves on the wrong train says a lot about where we are on our personal journey. 

Some are smart enough to admit they are on the wrong train and get off at the next train stop and make a course correction. Others run in the opposite direction along the corridor as if this will change the direction they are headed. Some just sit down on the train and give up.

Which one are you? 

It's never to late to change direction if you are headed on the wrong path...He is the God of "second chances" and "new beginnings."

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