Thursday, March 10, 2011


My light was blinking on my phone about three weeks ago when I walked in to the office. I am always a little apprehensive about who has left a message, I was especially so when I didn't recognize the number. The voice sounded familiar but I wasn't sure why the person on the other end would be calling.

I returned the call. To my relief, I received an invitation to return to the local elementary school to read to a kindergarten class that I read to a year ago. You never know how well you do when you read to a kindergarten class. They seemed appreciative but I think it had more to do with getting out of their regular kindergarten routine and having someone read to them.

There is nothing more I enjoy more than reading to kids. I read to my son and my daughter before bed when they were young. They had their favorite books and I enjoyed reading to them before they slumbered off to dreamland.

I miss reading to my kids before bed. It was always a special time. Realizing that they were growing past Dad reading to them at bedtime, I made a decision.

For Christmas, I went into a studio here in town and read my kids 10 favorite books. My friend took my readings and mixed them with intro music and closing music and put them in a jewel case with the book covers on the insert.

Christmas morning came and I gave my kids the CD with their favorite stories. Of course they burned them onto their IPods and listened to them. It brought me such delight to see the joy of hearing my voice reading familiar stories from their childhood.

Back to the phone call. Today I am heading to the local elementary school to read to a group of kindergarten students. I am reading one of my kids favorite books. I hope that they love being read to half as much as I love reading to them. I have made a commitment....I am never going to pass up an opportunity to read to kids. So, off I go...

1 comment:

Don and Shirley said...

That's fantastic. Any chance of their gramma getting a copy of the CD