Friday, March 21, 2008


I love words.

Words provide a framework for understanding concepts. Images work as well, but today is a day of words.

Good Friday.

It is a day of words....words uttered by Jesus on the cross. They are powerful reminders of the drama which unfolded on a hill overlooking the city.

Jesus said...

Father, forgive them . . .
This day you will be with me in paradise...
Woman, behold your son . . .
My God, my God, why have you forsaken me . . .
I thirst…
It is finished!
Father into your hands . . .

Later this morning I head downtown on a personal pilgrimage through the Stations of the Cross. At noon today the church I attend will be open for pilgrims to celebrate the Stations of the Cross.

History is rich with worshipping communities who have considered the scenes from Jesus’ betrayal, arrest, trial and death. Prayers have been prayed, memories have been refreshed, hymns have been sung and pilgrims have again been reminded that He went to the Cross.

One author put it this way, "once your life is in sync with the story of God, you become out of sync with any story that attempts to ignore or eliminate God."

I wait for Him today...I look at the cross...I think of His forgiveness extended to me, and I am grateful.

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