Monday, March 3, 2008


An Original Idea...

When was the last time that you had one? I mean an idea that wholly belonged to you.

Last night I began to think about this and it occured to me that most of what I think about involves interacting with something that someone has already written or said.

Now this is not all bad, but I wonder how much space I give to creative thinking. I wonder how much effort I expend in exploring unmapped terrain.

The reality is that it is often easier to allow others to think for us, to write for us, and to shape our view of life.

At my "age and stage" I am looking for every opportunity to think and create in new ways.

The sage who penned his thoughts in the book of Ecclesiastes said, "there is nothing new under the sun..." I believe that. Yet, it makes me wonder if "every" thought has already been thought. I ponder the idea whether "every" idea has already been discovered.

Here's the bottom line for me. It seems that our culture, our church, and many of our friends value safeguarding what we already know. The person who ventures outside the "tent of conformity" often has the tent flap zipped up leaving that person out in the world of their creative ideas.

I think I am OK with that.

Someone has to be willing to "think, ponder and pray" their way to new ways of seeing and building the Kingdom.

Here are some closing thoughts...

God often gives us hunches that need to be nurtured...."make space for these hunches"

Creativity is not something that belongs to a select few..."make time to allow creativity."

Turn off all forms of media...."the noise of these anesthetize us from our own creativity."

There are stories waiting to be written, thoughts waiting to be considered, ideas awaiting exploration....

Gotta run....creativity is calling!

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