Tuesday, March 4, 2008


My love affair with libraries started when I was around six years old. It was nurtured by parents that valued reading and wanted me to become an avid reader.

I can still remember the times when I walked by myself from my home at 1239 Elliott to the library at the community center on Bolton Avenue. With each step I grew more excited about all of the books in that little library.

In my bedroom there was a wall bookshelf that contained all of the books that my brother and I shared. I can remember writing the call letters on the spine of the books and ordering them in the same way that the community library did.

I have always loved books.

Today I am sitting in my office with some of my best friends...books. They have introduced me to people that I would never have the privilege of meeting in person, they have taken me to places that I cannot afford financially to go to, and they have allowed me to think about things that would never have crossed my mind.


Most of my books are in my office, but there are still a lot at home. It is always frustrating to have some "here" and some "there" when I am working on a project.

Recently I decided to catalog all of my books. I found a great web site that allows you to organize your library and make it available for others to see.

If you want to meet some of my old friends, I would invite you to http://www.librarything.com/. My Username is: dwbowser and my Password is: 1genx1. Feel free to look around and explore.

When I think about books, I think about a couple of my favorite quotes...

"A lot of people ask me if I were shipwrecked, and could only have one book, what would it be? I always say, 'How to Build a Boat!'" Stephen Wright-American actor and writer.

"From the moment I picked up your book until I laid it down, I convulsed with laughter. Someday I intend on reading it." Groucho Marx.


"You know you have read a good book when you turn the last page and feel a little as if you have lost a friend." Paul Sweeney

Read any good books lately? Met any new friends? Visited any new places?

I love books...

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