Tuesday, April 26, 2011


I recognized both the number and voice on my voice mail yesterday afternoon. I have heard and seen both before. Every time I see them I cringe and think about the reason for the call. 

The call was from Steve who for several years has been a friend and colleague.

I first met him in the days immediately following Hurricane Katrina. Although we never met, he and I became immediate friends. 

Since that time we have worked in Disaster Response in New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Galveston, and Iowa. We have waded through mud, debris and devastation that defies description. We have listened to stories from those who have lost everything and God has allowed us to be a part of helping people find ways to begin to put their lives back together.

Back to the phone call. Steve called yesterday.

Bridgeton, Missouri faced a devastating tornado on Friday evening that destroyed a community. 

Last evening I spoke with a person who is trying to coordinate the recovery efforts in Bridgeton and she described the devastation and sense of despair from those who have lost everything. "People don't know what to do, and they are just waiting for someone to come and help." 

I listened with a heavy heart. I have heard these stories before. It never gets easier, it just seems the needs get greater.


I am planning to take a team to Bridgeton, Missouri to do what we have done in New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Galveston and Iowa. We will cut trees, remove debris, and tarp houses to minimize further damage.I am not sure of all of the details yet, but I will know more later this morning.

There is more to this effort than what I have described. I always go with the intention of being a help and ministering to those who have lost everything, but I walk away helped and ministered to by those I meet.

Bridgeton, Missouri....you are in our prayers. 

As I am writing this, there are additional reports coming in from other parts of the country that have faced tornadoes and the loss of life and property. We are also on the edge of "hurricane season" and the projections are that this is going to be a very "active" season.

His resources are adequate...my prayer is that mine will be as well.

1 comment:

Paula said...