Friday, April 22, 2011


Today is Good Friday.

From 11 am to 8 pm the Stations of the Cross have been available to the families of our community. There has been a steady stream of people come through and walk the pathway Jesus walked on the way to the cross.

I have been able to observe the comings and goings of pilgrims as they have reflected on the Journey to the Cross. 

For the last several years we have dimmed the lights, lit candles, offered communion and encouraged pilgrims to walk the Stations.

Today was different. The Stations of the Cross were the same, the music, communion and the moments were the same, but today was different. 

Working in the balcony overlooking the sanctuary, I was able to see people slowly walk through the Stations of the Cross. There were people of all ages and families of every description.

The most beautiful sight was to watched parents with young children use this time worn practice as a way of teaching their children about the suffering and death of Jesus. Although I couldn't hear the conversations, I watch as parents read the scripture, pointed to the pictures and led their children through the events of Good Friday.

My guess is that today will be indelibly etched on the memories of young pilgrims who will day by day increase in their understanding of the significance of this day.

It made me want to be a child again and have the meaning and significance explained to me like parents did with their children today. And then it hit me...the only way to learn is to have the "faith of a child."

Although today is dark....there is a Light in the distance....

1 comment:

alicia said...

This year, we let the kids go through on their own. I miss them being young but it was very exciting to know that they will have their own perspective and their own experience as they walked the road. I too had a new experience as I was more focused. A great event!! New every year with God touching my heart in a different way each year! Thanks!