Friday, April 1, 2011


Thomas a Kempis writing in The Imitation of Christ, wrote..." is better to practice it, than to know how to define it." 

Simplicity is in vogue these days. Books are being written and published at a pace making it difficult to keep up with the subject. Considering the voluminous rate of publication, it has become a complex task staying current on the topic.  Seems paradoxical that simplicity could become complex-ical.

I have difficulty defining simplicity, but have no problem identifying it when I see it.  Thomas a Kempis, a Christian author from the early 1400's had the same problem.

Here are some basic rules to help you recognize simplicity....

If a person has to explain it to you, it probably isn't simplicity
If it takes a handbook to help you understand it, 
it probably isn't simplicity
and, If it is packaged with slick advertisements and publicity,
it probably isn't simplicity.

Today, I am going to enjoy the simplicity of life.  I am not going to make it more difficult than it really is.I am going to relish the moments as they unfold.

If I do these things, I will not need to define simplicity in my life, people will see it.  It works the same for you as well. Try it, you will enjoy it.


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