Wednesday, April 20, 2011


The sound of a water fountain was interrupted by a slurping noise. Not just once but over and over again. Slurping noises emanated from the person bent over drinking water from the fountain in Borders bookstore.

I thought one or two slurps would be adequate, but no! I lost count at nine slurps in rapid succession in the middle of the bookstore. Aren't cups and glasses supposed to prevent this primeval slurping in public?

By now I was fascinated to see what the "slurper" looked like after he had in "camel-like" fashion watered at the Border's oasis. 

Imagine my surprise when I saw him. He was a short scrawny guy who looked like he needed to gain more nourishment than could be derived from slurping, but who am I to judge?

I was corrected as a child anytime I slurped even though I often did it to to attract attention. You know the type of person I am describing...they are the people who chase the last bit of milk shake around the bottom of an empty cup with a straw and a huge sucking sound.

Needless to say, I was distracted by the person hunched over the water fountain and his annoying sounds.

Then it hit me...

Slurping is a part of slowly savoring what you are drinking. The alternative is gulping. You can't slurp fast, it takes time. Slurping allows you enjoy the taste and the moments.

I wonder how often I "gulp" life in my hurried pace? I wonder how often I slake my thirst for life and fail to taste the moments? 

Maybe I ought to learn to "slurp" life and slow down to experience the aroma and flavor of every moment. Perhaps the reason so many of us experience indigestion over life is because of how rapidly we take life in. 

The man at Borders stood over the water fountain for nearly two minutes. And by the way, the water continued to flow while he was "slurping." There's a lesson somewhere in there. God says, "taste and see that the Lord is good..." Psalms 34:8

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