Thursday, September 18, 2008


We don't have any.

Today we are in Houston for my nieces wedding. We arrived on Wednesday and had a great lunch with my niece and her fiance. We enjoyed dinner with the fam in the evening and then returned to the hotel.

There is no electricity in the hotel. This would seem to be an inconvenience to some people, but it sure saves a lot of time when it is time for bed.

Here are the timesavers I have observed after staying one night in the Best Western with no electricity.

1. You don't have to discuss who will turn off the lights.
2. You don't have to set the 60 minute alarm on the TV.
3. You don't have to wonder when it is time to go to gets dark.
4. You don't have to worry about when to get up in the gets light
5. You don't have to iron clothes, curl hair, dry hair....etc.
6. You don't have to worry about a USA Today outside your lights.
7. You don't have to check the weather on the Weather Channel...just look outside.
8. You don't have to worry about room service....there ain't none
9. You don't have to worry about Parking Lot lights shining in the window.
10. You don't have to worry about whether or not the Air Conditioning will be to cold at night.
11. Continental Breakfast? Nope!

Life is simple....and we love it!

Howdy from Houston!

1 comment:

Don and Shirley said...

Still have your sense of humor....